The article “Excess Mortality in Harlem” is mostly about the mortality rate happening in Harlem. Harlem is a predominantly black community, most of the population is black, and most of the people in Harlem are not rich and many of them are below the poverty line. The mortality rate in Harlem is much higher than in other communities most are under the age of 65. The article says that “An improvement in child mortality in Harlem between 1960 and 1980 was accompanied by rising mortality rates for persons between the ages of 25 and 65. There was therefore no improvement in overall age-adjusted mortality. Mortality rates for those between the ages of 5 and 65 were worse in Harlem than in Bangladesh.” This quote shows that Harlem has a higher mortality rate than Bangladesh. This is a serious problem. Of course, there are ways to reduce mortality in Harlem, such as care about the problems of the people in the community. The article shows that “Intensive educational campaigns to improve nutrition and reduce the use of alcohol, drugs, and tobacco are needed and should be directed at children and adolescents, since habits are formed early and the death rates begin to rise immediately after adolescence.” This quote shows that the rising mortality rate can be reduced by educating people to reduce their use of alcohol and drugs and thereby changing their bad habits. But the article points out that the root cause of the high mortality rate is poverty. According to the article “A major political and financial commitment will be needed to eradicate the root causes of this high mortality: vicious poverty and inadequate access to the basic healthcare that is the right of all Americans.” In conclusion, in recent decades Harlem is not affluent, many people are poor and living below the poverty line, which made Harlem have the highest mortality rate than other communities. So the gentrification will make Harlem affluent, it may also lower the mortality rate in Harlem. The high mortality rate in Harlem destroyed the Harlem and led to gentrification.